Saturday, January 29, 2011

Being Like Water

Each rising sun is unique, each moonrise a painting. -- Jedi Maxim

Your constant struggle against the dark side may be likened to water, for just as flowing water avoids the heights and hastens to the lowlands, so you as a Jedi should avoid the strengths of the dark side and strike at it's weakness.

And as water reshapes itself in accordance to the ground it flows over, so should you approach each situation. For the Jedi there can be no constant form. Neither the day or night is predominant (with the exception of the Rigilus system) and the seasons are all equal yet never the same. So must a Jedi be.

Structure in one's life is not unimportant. But the Force is a constantly changing, flowing entity and willingness to adjust to the needs of the world as they occur cannot be emphasized enough on the road to Jedi Master.

‘Strong is the water that flows over each grain of sand, none may escape it's gentle touch.’ – from Oorin Krell's 'Campion's Song'

Baal Legato

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