One may use the Force in many different ways. One method I have found applies the Force to your physical balance. This technique can be useful especially for martial artists, but I recommend that anyone try it.
I've often used this while in a specific stretching position that requires you to stand on one foot- on your left leg for example, while holding your right ankle with your right hand and pulling your leg behind you in order to stretch the front of your thigh. The problem I had when I began using this was that I could not balance well on one leg, while trying to remain very still. In time I developed the following method to keep my balance.
First, you must stand on one foot. How you choose to do this is up to you. Next, relax as much as possible, and imagine that the Force is flowing up from the floor, through you, and past you, as if it were a gust of air and you were a ballon on the end of a string. Keep practicing this until you can feel the Force flowing and that it begins to support your balance and even prevent you from falling over. If you do this enough you may find that in an instant you can regain your balance through use of the Force.
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