Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jedi Powers by JediKnightG

First off, allow me to apologize for not lecturing in such a long time...things have been a bit hectic lately, so I hope you'll all understand. =)

I'd like to lecture for a moment on the particular powers that we gain through the force...what they mean, how we use them, and where they originate.

If we speak of a Jedi's powers, the ideas that come to mind most often involve Levitation...heightened reflexes...Force-enhanced running and jumping, etc, ranging all the way to Astral Projection and healing. This begs the question...which are realistic, and which are rooted in the movies, and impossible? Well, all are possible. I myself have seen levitation performed, likewise examples of heightened reflexes, etc. etc. So what are the reasons for these effects? Well, Heightened reflexes and force enhanced physical activity are definitely obtainable. It has been proven for a very long time now that proper mental focus, and "inner drive" lead to stronger athletic performance of any sort. Whether or not this has anything to do with the force is a personal matter...some say it is the connection to the force, and others may believe that it is due simply to a matter of determination.

So what of Levitation? Well, it is possible, that much is proven. I prefer to use the Tibetan monks as an example. They are capable of great physical feats, including levitation. One of their more famous exercises is that they will all get into a room together, and drape towels over their backs. These towels have been drenched into chilled water. (Chilled by the water in their local area...Tibet, respectively, which is water so cold that most people don't realize water CAN be that cold.) Within minutes of heavy meditation, the monks are able to raise their body temperature to such a degree that the ice-cold towels are effectively steam-dried. This is a perfect example of how powerful the mind is, and how we are able to "tap into" something deeper, through mental conditioning and focus. Levitation is another skill the monks has been documented that they are capable of this ability.

So what do I feel about levitation? Well, I believe it is possible. Whether or not I am capable of the skill is a moot point...personally, I feel that there are much more important things for me to be studying than how to float objects around the room...such as inner peace, balance, and good lifestyle, mental focus, etc.

One other Force power that we can all master is the ability to "Force Heal", which does come in several forms. You can force heal another simply by meditating or praying for their well has been scientifically proven that having such things done for an ill patient does increase their healing rate. Also, Force healing yourself works...mental focus, a proper attitude, and faith in your own recovery do wonders for your body. (By the way...another art that falls under the catagory of Force Healing is Massage...give your loved ones a neck massage!)

All of the above techniques are, in my opinion, possible. The methods and sources of such skills are arguable...why they occur, how they are done, and how best to use them. It is up to each student to best decide which area of the Force to focus on. One thing I would like to mention however...the Tibetan Monks never begin their training by levitating themselves, or by doing any other sort of "unearthly" skill...they begin their training simply, in such a way to condition their bodies and minds so as to make these feats possible...I would encourage all young students to do the same...skip the larger skills, until you are skilled in the lesser ones. =)


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