Saturday, January 29, 2011

Things I have learned

Once again, I have been absent a long time. Sorry. It always seems to work out that way, despite the many times I have planned to be around more often. I am posting all my studies from my site here, hoping you can each find something useful. Since Iam not one to expect of others what I will not do, everything here I have practiced at some point and had varying measures of success. It will be along post, so please bear with it.

The Jedi Code
There is no emotion,there is peace.
There is no ignorance,there is knowledge.
There is no passion,there is serenity.
There is no death,there is the Force.
The Jedi seeks knowledge and enlightenment as well as peace and harmony. The Jedi wishes to defeat those who would destroy such qualities.
Jedi should always seek non-violent solutions to problems. Sometimes violence is the only answer,sometimes even the best answer, but that does not mean one should not try to find an alternative first. Violence is a last resort only. It must never be the first reaction.
Responsible use of power
A Jedi must act from wisdom, using counsel and persuasion over violence or power. Using ones powers or combat skills when other means would be better or to do so just for the sake of doing so leads to the Dark Side.
Call to Action
A Jedi should not let evil occur by inaction. To stand back and do nothing is to encourage the forces of darkness.

jedi philosophy
Here are some of the points that to me make up the Jedi Way. Other Jedi may have different views and ideas. I present only what is true of me. These are the views I follow for myself as a Jedi.
Basic Cosmotheism
There is a basic unity that binds us to the cosmos around us, a common thread that links us to each other and to all of creation. Our purpose in life is to perfect ourselves as individuals and as a species, and to evolve towards a higher perfection of being. Martial Arts and Zen
These are used together to develop physical shape as well as inner peace through meditation and mental discipline. Martial arts teach us not only how to fight when we must defend ourselves or others,but if our lessons are well learned, they also teach us how not to fight.
Supernatural Powers
There is nothing supernatural about mystical powers such as healing or telekenesis or anything else. They are powers we can all have to one degree or another through patience and practice. All we must do is believe in them and in ourselves.
The most basic code of knighthood is this: Be honest,brave, and true. Do good in the service of others. Protect the weak and uphold justice.
the jedi path

Beginning the Path

The Jedi is neither born nor made, but evolves of inclination, determination and effort. Without the inclination, there will be neither determination nor effort. Without effort, the inclination atrophies.

The Jedi is always seeking to perfect himself and his craft. The Jedi actively seeks occasions for learning and experience. He or she is intently interested in truth. Not content to rest on laurels, the Jedi strives to know that which is real, pure and enduring. This knowledge goes beyond the gathering of intellectual facts; it must be an experience which touches the very core of the self.

The way of the Jedi is concealed in simplicity. Ancient sages realized that the tendency of human nature is to second- guess itself. People expect secret things to be obscured beneath a veil of complex formulas and arcane writing. They are so caught up in complexity that they fail to notice the obvious. Realizing this, the ancients passed on their lore in simple terms. These are so obvious that they pass by the average person undetected. More astute souls, recognizing that something special is afoot, search for complicated riddles and patterns. They are fooled by their own intelligence. Jedi know that truth and reality are simple; therefore, it remains hidden while standing in plain sight.

The Jedi develops understanding, self-control, and the perception of the many levels of existence. His work, training, tools and intentions are meant for abetting his own development and the benefit of those around him. This is an ongoing process, for the Jedi is always seeking the knowledge and experience of Life. He must become an astute observer of people, nature, the world and himself. Those dedicated wholeheartedly to this path must be willing to face challenges. It is not a path for those who seek "security" and safety from the world at large.

The Levels
The Jedi recognizes four levels of growth and four states of human living. They serve as indicators of the stages by which a person develops into a Jedi. The levels also indicate the various lifestyles within humanity. Let us examine each in turn:

1st Level: The student follows instructions. She does as she is shown by her teacher. In effect, she is passive and receptive to the example given their by the instructor. To learn the fundamentals, a person must give themselves to the instructions wholeheartedly. This requires effort, diligence, and repetition. The student does nothing by without the direction of the teacher.

2nd Level: People who have become independent of the need for direction. They can think for themselves without prodding by others. At this stage, the individual does not automatically adopt the generally-accepted viewpoints of society or his fellows. He chooses his own beliefs, plots his own course, and lives as he sees fit. Many independent types make good leaders; however, being totally free, they are not fit for hierarchical systems. The truly independent person relies on his own thoughts. He sees himself as having all he needs to make it in this world. The Jedi at this level is also independent. Having learned the fundamentals, he can now use them as he sees fit. he can adapt and adjust to situations without reliance on rote formulas. The Jedi frees himself from the limited beliefs and attitudes of society. His thinking is independent and unique, for he is not tied to the priorities and logic accepted by everyone else.
The danger of this phase is that a person can turn independence into hostility. When an individual becomes uncontrollable in a way which threatens those around him, they will gather together to crush him. Independence requires the skill of getting along while remaining free. Another danger is the downward thrust of poverty and of feeling isolated. Many will try to convince an independent person to conform, especially when he is facing difficulties. The cattle will want to make him one of the herd. The Jedi can resist and strive for growth. He is truly alive and renewed by maintaining his integrity; the upward growth removes the pressure.

3rd Level: The third level is the antithesis of Divinity; it is the adverse thought and opposing circumstance. People at this stage of society are inimical toward their fellows, their government, and general well-being. These include rabble-rousers, criminals, extremists, chronic complainers and destructive elements within society. They stand against their fellows, either physically, ethically, ideologically or otherwise.
For the Jedi, this stage is a time for coming to terms with opposition, inimical states, and the "dark" side of oneself. The initiate must reconcile the opposites within and around himself. He must also develop the will to take a stand and oppose that which impedes him. It is the point where old, outworn morals are trashed in view of a higher law. This stage sometimes requires a person to do something he would not normally have to do, out of necessity. It breaks the frozen veneer of "civility" and frees the individual to act effectively. The obstacles faced are not only barriers, but treacherous patterns of thought and belief. This state also begins the process of attainment, and propels the individual forth to seek further.
The danger of this stage is in taking an inimical stance toward humankind as a society. The attitude which says, "I can do as I please, to whom I please", is a hotline to disaster. In conventional society, an independent person can cross the line to hostility if he lets his whims get the better of himself.
4th Level: is the stage where an individual is past the initiations, and is ready to begin the everlasting journey of the Jedi. The individual recognizes their own innate Divinity and, in so doing, the potential Divinity of others. In society, this manifests as creative people, especially those whose work improves society. Artists, musicians, healers, poets, and writers of literary works are obvious. We can include those whose very presence is harmonizing. Those who inspire others to excel are also expressing this.
This stage recognizes and reconciles Divinity in the world around oneself with the Divinity abiding within. This achievement works both expansively and inwardly , recognizing both at once.

The average person takes things at face value. He accepts what is presented to him. The problem is that what is given may not be what is really there! The Jedi knows enough to look at the obvious facts and to use them as a gateway to approach that which lies beneath them. He does not accept what he is told, but seeks further. This is like an investigative reporter who has been presented with official statements that government is eradicating poverty. Rather than rely on the statistics which were given to him, he looks at the obvious facts: more welfare clients, more people on the streets. This tells him that the statistics are contrived. Seeing through this, he realizes that the poor are being maintained, not helped. Poverty programs are only a "patch job", not a remedy. The Jedi sees what people recognize as true, but looks at common-sense indicators which show that their truth is mistaken. He then uses these indicators to open a gateway to the real truth beneath the surface. The Jedi is a skeptic when it comes to man-made facts. He lets nature and the things staring him in the face reveal the reality of situations.

To do any of this, the Jedi has to know what truth is. Reality has successively deeper levels. By challenging his old beliefs and the accepted notions held by society at large, he exposes errors and reveals facts. The Jedi needs to work first on his own doubts. It is fine to be uncertain about some things. One can seek to reconcile that uncertainty; she should not accept a pre-made idea just to cover over the gap of doubt. Truth reveals itself subtly and gradually. Patience and observation are necessary. Rather than decipher facts, The Jedi will let them reveal themselves. He will also regard the obvious before all else!

A Jedi always looks at what is in front of him first. This is true in all things, human and otherwise. Recognizing facts comes from intense study of oneself.

The Jedi's work entails development of several capabilities:

The Will: By mastering himself, the Jedi becomes a master of living. The powerful will manifests in the ability to make a decision and follow it through.

The Emotions: The Jedi works to harmonize the emotions, blending them into a balanced aspect of the self. Emotional strength imparts tremendous reserves of energy which carries them forth like a mighty river.

The Intellect: The Jedi becomes a master at assessing thing clearly and thinking objectively. He learns to think effectively, dealing in facts rather than random speculation. The sharpened intellect can separate fact from fiction, useful from detrimental, and worthwhile from wasteful. Like the sword, it can segregate, separate, and detach one state from another.

The Body: The Jedi maintains physical health, extending this throughout his personal life. The Body includes the body of his daily affairs: home, family, friends and obligations. This is maintained and kept in balance.

The Initiative: The Jedi adapts himself and things around him to work progressively. Using initiative, the he creatively forms himself and his life as vehicles for further expression of good.

The work imparts an ability to face people and life objectively. The Jedi is not fooled by socially nice ideals which obscure facts. He does not regard everybody equally, but takes each individual on his or her own merits. The Jedi deals with each accordingly. He seems baffling and mercurial only because he follows a truer light than the mores of others. Percieving a greater reality and acting from that perspective, the Jedi is a bafflement to the unenlightened and a beacon of truth for the sincere. Most important, the Jedi accepts facts as they are, not as he wishes they were. He faces pleasant and unpleasant realities with equal candor. This provides a tremendous edge in meeting life on life's terms.

Having discussed cunning when dealing with the false, we must recognize that sincerity and integrity are essential for a Jedi's success. A Jedi must develop self-honesty to a high degree. He must extend this to his fellows, letting discretion guide just how much to reveal in any given situation.

Though there are flaws in human behavior, there are also virtues. The Jedi gravitates toward those who exhibit honesty, sincerity, dignity, integrity, fairness, even-temperedness and wisdom. Like attracts like. While developing these principles within herself, the Jedi will automatically gravitate toward people of similar intentions. The Jedi is transcendent of human foibles, seeks to climb above shortcomings and unprincipled attitudes.

Priority is essential. Unlike the blind outpouring of monotheistic "charity", the Jedi gives wisely. He gives a helping hand, not a hand-out. This is like the Chinese saying: "Give a man a fish, you feed him for one day. Teach him to fish, and you feed him every day." Charity begins at home and trickles outward concentrically. One's best is reserved for home and family. This also includes manners! Next comes friends, and then acquaintances and neighbors. The Jedi realizes the folly of contributing to distant charities while people near to her need a helping hand. Charity is an example of priority, which places the most emphasis on those closest to oneself.

The Jedi can only develop properly in an atmosphere which encourages principles, priorities, and proper discourse. Our brief discussion of these matters can be extended into other facets of life and work. It is essential that the individual take the initiative to do so.

Life is not an enemy or a hard battle, but an opportunity for greater living and happiness.

The road to initiation is work. The Jedi constantly strives to perfect herself through inner exercises, study, and action.

The Force

The Force is what gives a Jedi their powers. It is an energy field that is a part of life itself. It flows through all living things and surrounds them as well. It binds the universe together. Like any other element in nature, the Force has two aspects, the Light and the Dark.
The Light Side
The light side it the power of life itself. It is the power of creation,peace, harmony, and all that is right in the world. A Jedi seeks to draw upon this side of the Force and avoid the temptations of the dark side. The Dark Side.
The dark side is the opposite of the light. Anger, hatred destruction, fear. These are the traits of the dark side. The dark side is easier than the light but it is no more powerful, and it is only easy at first. The Dark Side has a large appetite and will eventually consume you.
The Force has many different names and guises. The Hindus call it Prana. The Chinese call it Chi. Other cultures have other names.
It is evoked in many ways. Some use shamanism,some call it magic,some use their mind alone. The techniques are endless, the names many, but it the end it all comes from the same source. Universal Life Energy, the Force.
jedi meditations
This first meditation is a simple relaxation exercise. You do not need to be all alone or have total quiet. It is not meant to be a deep meditation. I often use it to relax in the middle of whatever is going on around me. Sit in a comfortable position. The actual position does not matter so much as long as you are sure to keep your head up and your spine straight. Take a deep breath. As you exhale, mentally say THERE IS NO EMOTION. Breath in and say THERE IS PEACE. Breath out and say THERE IS NO IGNORANCE. Breath in and say THERE IS KNOWLEDGE. Breath out and say THERE IS NO PASSION. Breath in and say THERE IS SERENITY. Breath out and say THERE IS NO DEATH. Breath in and say THERE IS THE FORCE. Repeat this as long as you can stay focused. Practice only short periods at first and gradually increase the length until you can meditate for as long as you wish.
There are two things to keep in mind when doing this exercise. Keep the mental words flowing as you breath. They occupy the concious mind and allow the inner mind to rise. Also breathing should be done as in Zen. Breath in and out through the nose, and breath from the abdomen not the chest.
Deeper meditation
This is a deep meditation, and for it you should be alone and undisturbed. As before, find a comfortable position and settle into your breathing. Let the outside world drop away. Let nothing disturb you. Come to exist only in your own mind. Focus on the third eye(Hindus call this the thousand petalled lotus). If you can, roll your eyes up as well and physically focus on this area behind closed eyelids. Let yourself move from you concious mind to your inner self. You may only be able to focus for a few minutes at first. No problem. Take time. Your concious mind has been told for so long that it is the boss that it will take time to tell it your inner self is taking over. Regular practice will help you realize deeper and longer meditation.

jedi powers
So, this is the fun stuff, right? Levitating cars or zapping the annoying people at work. Wrong. My main focus is on the Force as a healing and empowering energy,not duplicating movie gimmicks,no matter how impressive they are. So, if you want to learn the Force as a healing power for yourself as well as others, read on. If not, please leave now.
I would also like to say that these techniques take time to learn. The healing techniques are not meant to replace care by a physician if that is what one really needs, but they can supplement any physical treatment a person may be recieving. The type of healing I teach works on the non-physical elements of the human body.
Preliminary Skills Controlling Pain
Concentration Being a healer
Self-healing Healing Others
Telepathy Astral Abilities

In order to work with the Force, it is necessary to have a serious and focused mind, and to be able to make good use of your imagination. The following exercises are intended to help you develop such a mind.
Creative Visualization
Have close to you writing materials. You will take notes at various points in this exercise. Select an object that is relativly simple and hold it in your hand. Look at it briefly, and then close your eyes. Imagine the object as you just saw it and hold that image for a few moments. Then open your eyes and look at the object as if you were a bug crawling on the surface of it. See the variations in it,imagine the textures. See every detail. When you feel you have done this long enough, stop and write down your observations.
Now repeat the above exercise, but this time be a bird flying around the object. Circle it. explore it from an arial point of view. When finished write down these observations.
Then be yourself and study the object at eye level. Look it over good and write this down as well.
Lastly, close your as and imagine it again. Write down how your perception of it has changed.
You should start with simple objects such as rocks or leaves, pens, anything ordinary. As you gain confidence move to more complex shapes. Creative visualization does not need to be practiced every day, but the more you do the better you will become.
Geometric Meditation
This exercise is a meditation. Sit and relax your body and mind. Breath deeply and let a geometric shape come to mind. See how long you can hold this shape solid in your mind. At first this may only be for a few moments, but with practice you will be able to hold any image for as long as you wish. At first you should start simple(circles, squares, etc. ) and as the skill improves move on to more comlpex shapes.
These two exercises, performed as often as you wish help lay the groundwork for the creative and controlled use of the mind.
Developing one's ability to concentrate is fairly strightforward. Simply let go of distractions. Focus on the task at hand and become that task. Do not think about other things. Do not center on anxieties. Become one with what you are doing. This is not always easy, because the mind resists change, but persistence will pay off in the end.

self healing
This technique makes use of creative visualization and color. Color is energy and that is what you will be using. Follow the chart to find the appropriate color and then proceed.
Red- An invigorating color. Good for low energy, blood diseases, and liver infections.
Yellow- Good for bowels and intestines. A mild sedative. Removes fears. Useful for menstrual problems.
Orange- Good for respiratory disorders,asthma, bronchitis.
Green- Green is the great healer. Neutral for other colors. When in doubt use green. Also for heart troubles, headaches, ulcers, and colds.
Blue- Acts as a cooling agent. Use on any type of inflammation. Good on cuts and burns. Indigo- Slight narcotic. Removes fears of the mind. Good for emotional disorders, deafness, and the eyes. Violet- Good for mental disorders, nervous system, baldness, and general female complaints.
This takes time and requires a meditative state to be most effective. Relax and meditate in whatever manner you normally would. When you feel yourself fully at peace, envision the Force surrounding you and taking on the appropriate color. See yourself breathing this color in and sending it to work on the affected area. Feel it making positive changes. As you breath out, feel all the negative energy causing trouble being expelled from your body. Keep this visualization up for as long as you feel the need, but do not over do it. This exercise will be tiring. If you feel the need to stop, stop. This method should work quickly on minor troubles, but serious or chronic conditions will require persistance over time. It may also never completely cure a truly serious condition, but should help alleviate symptoms.
You should practice this self healing and get comfortable with it before you attempt to heal others.

The first step to developing telepathy is to make use of your natural empathic abilities. Most people have empathy to one degree or another. Being aware of it allows you to gain insight into another persons feelings and general state of mind.
Along with empathizing with people, there are physical signs you can read as well. These are just general, and not every sign means the same thing with different people, but if you combine several visual cues with your empathy, you will be right more often than you will be wrong.
Facial expressions are the first thing to look at,but are not entirely accurate. People can easily fake expressions, so facial expressions should be combined with other signs. Look more at changes to skin and eye coloration. draining or raising of color in the neck can indicate changes of emotions or thought patterns. Eye color in most people also changes when undergoing strong emotions. Lighter colored eyes are easier to read than dark eyes,but dark eyes can be read.
Eye direction is also an indicator. People with shifty eyes tend to be nervous or may be hiding something. Some people tend to direct their gaze in a particular manner when thinking,but the exact manner will differ form person to person. People may also tend to look in a particular direction each time they lie, and will be uncomfortable looking at you directly if they are in fact lying.
Body and hand gestures are a more reliable indicator, because they tend to be more instinctive. People do certain things without even thinking about them.
People who fold their arms across their chest, positions their body towards the nearest exit, are unwilling to put down a purse or anything they are carrying or fidget around alot are generally feeling defensive.
People who keep themslves tightly wrapped, unwilling to unbutton outer jackets or suit coats are usually uncomfortable and feeling vulnerable. They feel the need to wear their clothes like a suit of armor.
If they prop their feet on a desk or table,or steeple their fingers, it is a sign that they feel in control. People who keep their hands in their pockets, or seen overly nervous may be lying or hiding secrets.
Poor posture generally denotes low self-esteem,good strong posture is a sign of confidence. Keep in mind, you cannot read one sign alone. Look for many signs that point in the same direction and combine this with your own impression of the person you are studying.
This type of telepathy is not actually hearing thoughts in your mind or seeing what another person is thinking. It is based on understanding,feeling,and observation, and can be quite useful if you work with it.

Controlling pain
There are two basic ways to control pain. The first is used mainly when you can't take time to worry about pain, when you must finish the task at hand. Simply don't center on the pain. Stay focused on what needs to be done. This may not stop all pain, but as long as your mind is not centered on the pain, it should lessen. Giving in to pain only makes it worse.
The second method involves visualization. Relax and focus on a violet light entering the pain. Imagine it calming the pain. Violet is the color used for the nervous system. You are using it to calm the nerves that are feeling pain. This technique could take a few minutes to begin working.
being a healer
If you wish to be a healer,especially for others, here are a few things you should do before you even attempt the healing itself.
First, remember that healing is a serious responsibility. Someone is trusting you with themselves and their health. NEVER ABUSE THAT TRUST.
Always be realistic and honest. Never give false hope. Simply give each healing your best and let that be enough.
Find out some basic information before you start. Start with the questions below.
1. Have you seen a doctor?
2. If so, what was the diagnosis?
3. Did you seek a second opinion?
4. Are you taking any drugs or medication?
5. Do you drink or smoke?
6. Do you have a chronic condition?
7. What is your family history with disorders?
8. Are you pregnant?(if female)
9. What are your sleep patterns?
10. Are you under a lot of stress?
As far as possible, do a physical examination.
Explain to your patient the healing process you will use and answer any questions they might have.
Perform the healing.

healing others
Using the color chart from the self-healing lesson, proceed as follows.
Preparation: When breathing in, feel the Force entering you and going throughout your body. As you breath out, feel negativity and tension being released.
1. Slowly breath in through the nose to a mental count of 8. Breath out to a mental count of 8.
2. Same as above, but between inhake and exhale hold breath for a count of 4 and let yourself feel the energy moving within you.
When doing this breathing, do Step 1 once and then follow it with three repetitions of step 2.
Have the patient lay on thier back, feet together, arms at thier sides. Insruct them to close thier eyes and see a white light surrounding them. Kneel to the left of thier legs. Do the above breathing exercise. Now extend your arms over them with the palms held inwards over the top of their heads. Keep an inch from actual contact. Take a deep breath and hold it as you bring your hands down each side of thier body. As you come away from thier feet, breath out and vigorously shake your hands away from both of you. This dissipates the negative energy you have just drawn off of them. Repeat this step six more times,making seven passes in total.
Now, sit back and do the breathing exercise again to rebuild energy. When you are ready, lay your hands gently on each side of thier head and imagine green healing energy being directed into them and giving them strength. After you have done this for a few moments, sit back again and repeat the breathing. Then place your hands over thier heart and transfer green energy here as well. Do this for however long feels appropriate. Sit back and breath again. Now, lay your hands on the specific problem area and send the appropriate color into this part, imagining it healing and rebalancing.
A final period of relaxing and seeing the patient surrounded by white light completes the process. You should immediately go wash your hands under cold water to wash of any negative energy still clinging to you. It is also quite normal to feel rather tired after doing this.

astral abilities
Astral projection is scientifically catagorized as Out-of Body Experience(OBE). It most commonly occurs during the dream state, but with practice it can be invoked through meditation. To sucessfully project, you must be able to totally let go of your conscious control.
Ensure that you will not be disturbed. Take several deep breaths and relax your body. Close your eyes and imagine a blue light of protection surrounding you. Imagine a golden light pulsating within you. This is your astral body. Let it rise keeping your physicl shape. Transfer your mind to this body and imagine that your physical body will remain safe while you are away.
Some people do not look at their physical bodies because the shock of seeing themselves laying their draws them right back in,heart racing,which brings up an important point. People with heart trouble should not attempt concious projection.
Also there is debate about the silver cord. Some people see a silver cord attaching their astral body to their physical body. Some do not. I don't know why this is. If you see the cord, don't worry about it. If you don't see it, don't worry about it.
Once you are out, there are two ways to proceed. You can just travel around the room, getting familiar with the feeling or you can go directly into the physical or astral plane.
To return to your body, you may see yourself hovering over it and let yourself merge back into it, or you may just join directly without hovering.

martial philosophy
Violence is a fact of life. We cannot ignore it just because we wish it wasn't there. When it strikes we must be able to deal with it. Different Jedi use different arts,so I will not speak of any one style. I wish here only to point out a few things that should help anyone regardless of the specific art they practice.
You should always be loose and easy in motion. Forcing tense muscles to move slows them down and can cause injury. Keep relaxed.
Do not glare insanely at your opponent or even focus on only them. You must have a total awareness of all that is around you. The whole point of the fight is to put yourself in the best position to end it quickly. To do this you must see the whole picture.
Never anticipate the outcome. Simply let nature take its course. Your weapons will strike at the right moment. Give up hope. Hope kills. Deal with what is. Do not hope it will just go away because it won't.
Stay calm and loose. Let nothing in your manner betray the fact that you just stepped into mortal combat. Do not be reckless in combat. Recklessness leads to mistakes and lost opporotunities.
Never fight a battle you do not have to win. If you can afford to lose, it's probably not worth fighting about anyway.

Moving with stealth
Guidelines for stealth walking

1. Maintain balance control by allowing your body weight to sink and be carried by deeply flexed knees.
2. Remember to breathe along with your movement. Unconsciously holding your breath can unknowingly produce unneeded muscle tension, and could result in gasping release of breathe if you are startled or accidentally unbalanced.
3. Stay alert to the entire scene. Do not become so engrossed in watching your feet that you do not notice other people an elements entering the surroundings.
4. Use all joints for movement, emphasizing fluidity through the engagement of the ankles, knees, and hips for stepping. Avoid the lazy and dangerous habit of stiffening knees and swinging the entire leg from the hip.
5. Maintain your weight and balance on your grounded leg while you move the other leg into position to bear the weight. When absolute silence is a must, avoid distributing your weight over both legs at the same time.
6. If practical, allow your hands to float lightly in front of and beside your torso, one arm higher and one arm lower, to detect possible obstructions before your committed body weight encounters them.
7. Pause and hold your position if you feel that you have accidentally caused too much noise. Listen for signs that you were heard, such as the movement of others or the immediate silencing of background noise following your slip. Sink a little lower on your knees to physically relax that could normally jump into your body with alarm. Take a deep breathe and release it slowly to further relax. Continue your pause for as long as you feel is necessary to regain composure and allow possible listeners to decide they did not hear anything after all.
8. Be as patient as possible. If speed of travel is not important, take as much time as you can. Impatience and the resultant hasty movement that it encourages are the greatest dangers to the person who must move silently without detection.
9. Keep your movement appropriate to your surroundings. Do not go to greater lengths than necessary to conceal your movement, while at the same being aware of what others entering the area may see if they cannot hear. Total silence may not be needed when moving through wooded or densely populated areas where scattered noise is a natural part of the environment. Also be aware that low profile crawling or sliding ma be the only way to move silently without being seen in some locations.

Excerpt from "The Mystic Arts of the Ninja" by Stephen K. Hayes

avoiding victimization
Unfortunately, the old standard "Survival of the fittest" often holds as true for humans as it does for any other creature. Predators in the animal world often attack the weakest or slowest rather than the strong. Sadly,
criminal behavior often follows the same pattern. Attackers, whether they be muggers or rapists, look for easy prey.
What they look for are people who act like victims. If you find yourself in a "bad" part of town, or in the wrong place at the wrong time, your behavior plays a large part in whether or not you make it out unassaulted. If you let yourself be scared, they will know. If you act as if you are lost, they will know. If you are in a rush and not paying attention to your surroundings, they will know, and they will probably come for you.
The way to increase your chances of remaining unattacked are simple. Remain calm and focused. Even if you are lost, do not let your confusion show. Move confidently and stay alert to your surroundings. Most criminals will not readily attack an alert and confident individual.
This will not guarantee that nothing happens to you as some criminals will attack ANYONE, but handling a bad situation this way will work more often than not.
If you do not act like a victim, odds are you will never have to be a victim.

estimating opponents
When facing an opponent, how does one deal with opponents of different skill levels? There are three basic levels you will encounter.
1. Those who are inferior to you.
This is generally not too hard, but never underestimate any opponent. A less experienced opponent may pull unconventional attacks or fight with superior spirit in place of skill. Again, never underestimate any opponent. I'd like to illustrate this point with a story I once read. One day at a certain school in Japan, a senior student from a rival school came to challenge the Master. As was tradition, the Master did not fight. The responsibility of defending the Master and the school fell to the most senior student. As the sudent rose to meet the challenge, another student rose and asked to be given the honor. He was not known for being one of the better fighters, but the Master indulged him and sent him to face the rival. He jumped up and rushed at his opponent, who backed off without fighting. When later asked why, he said,"I saw it in his eyes. I am far better than him, but he came at me with such spirit that I knew that nothing I did to him would stop him until he defeated me. I could have beaten his body, but I could not beat his spirit."
Opponents of equal ability
Two men of equal training and ability can hold each other off almost all day. This type of fight generally has to reach a breaking point before it is resolved. The breaking point is when one opponent gets frustrated, tired, impatient, etc. and begins to make mistakes. Conserve your energy and use your attacks to annoy and harrass. Attempt to drive your opponent to his breaking point, and when he breaks, come on full and take advantage of it. He will be trying to do the same, so make sure he reach his breaking point before you reach yours.
The superior opponent.
Dealing with a superior opponent is tricky. First, put your whole spirit into it. You should do this in any fight anyway. A true focus and desire to win can make up greatly for a lack of skill. Second, be unconventional. Many highly trained individuals have expectations of the fight being handled with particular moves and counter-moves. Avoid this by being unconventional and keep your opponent guessing. A superior opponent can often be frustrated by his inability to deal with a lesser opponent, and reach his breaking point. Always be ready to take advantage. When you get a superior opponent on the run, keep him there. Never let him recover because if he is truly superior, he won't make the same mistakes twice.

jedi and violence
For the Jedi, violence is not used as a means of hurting people. A Jedi is never an attacker nor should a Jedi use the most devastating defense possible in any situation. A Jedi should study the martial arts as a means of understanding violence. Understanding violence and the nature of conflict often provide a means to avoid violence. A Jedi's intention is not to hurt, simply to refuse delivery of intended damage either to oneself or to others. In handling an attack, a Jedi should first look at parries and evasions, not attacks. Only if a situation is or becomes truly agressive or life threatening should a Jedi look at doing damage to the opponent.
warrior way
A warrior is not devoted to any one system, but must be flexible and take effective techniques where ever they are found.
A warrior keeps things simple. Techniques that rely on simplicity are the most effective. Fine motor skills and complex moves are quickly lost under the tension of battle.
A warrior trains hard to fight easy. Train harder than you ever expect to fight.
A warrior trains in the clothes they wear. Train in what you are most likely to be wearing if you are ever attacked.
A warrior keeps a positive mental attitude. Be confident and have an attitude of never giving up.
A warrior is adaptable in training and fighting. Adapt to the circumstances you face. They will not adapt to you.
A warrior evaluates everything. Always examine your techniques and training for ways in which to improve them.
A warrior maintains physical shape. Although the mind is the primary weapon, it is a conditioned body that is capable of acting on what the mind devises.
A warrior is a quiet professional. Stay low key. Do not brag or show off.
A warrior never stops training. Always seek better methods. Absorb any good ideas you come across.

personal development
This section is devoted to lessons on personal development.

releasing the ego
One of the first things that must be done when searching for higher awareness is learning to let go of the ego's grip on your life. Ego domination has become the pattern since so many have become cut off from their true nature as spiritual beings and see only the material side of things.
What is the Ego?
The ego is a sub-personality within the larger whole. It gives us our separate sense of self from one another. The ego is not an enemy,but a natural part of each of us. The problem is that so many of us are taught that the ego is all there is. Greed,fear,intolerance and many other human conditions are the result of ego domination. Conflicts,both large and small, are largely due to the clashing of egos.
The path to true service though love comes from getting back in touch with our spiritual natures and putting the ego back in its proper place as merely part of the whole.
Changing your point of view in often difficult because the ego does not want to give up the power it has been granted. The first step is a simple realization that you are more than an ego. You are a creature of spirit which happens to have a small part called an ego.
The rest of this section contains exercises aimed at putting the ego back in perspective and allowing you to become that which you truly are.

Meditation can be a powerful aid to self change and general well being. There are many forms of meditation, but I will share here the two I find most useful.
Zen style
In Zen meditation, one simply sits with the objective of not thinking,listening to inner silence. This is difficult at first,and to begin you should focus on counting your breath from 1 to 10 over and over,and pushing all other thoughts away as they arise. With enough practice, you will no longer even need the mental count as a focus. You will be able to sit in silence. In such a silenced state, your inner self will be able to speak to you. It can be a source of great guidance and peronal power.
Guided Visualization
This type of meditation is generally used to accomplish to specific goal, and the later exercises make use of it. Sit in a comfortable position and begin breathing deep and regular. Relax. Quiet your mind and use your imagination to see youself taking whatever journey you doing. Make it as vivid as you can. At first, your imagination may be weak and fuzzy, but persistence will improve your ability to visualize anything.

The Power of Change

The act of changing oneself is not always easy,but there are four tools available to you that will set you off on the right track.

1.Self Awareness

All thing begin with self awareness. Begin to become aware of your habits. Take note of your strengths and weaknesses. Consider the ways in which you wish you were different. Spend time with yourself doing this and eventually all will become clear.


Once you have an idea of the things you wish to change,use the power of your imagination to create a new reality within yourself. Remember, your focus determines your reality. Imagine that you already are that which you wish to be.

3. Conscience

Keep within yourself your ideals of what is truly right and what is truly wrong. Never compromise your principles for anyone or anything. We can live without many things the material world has to offer, but as sonn as we compromise what each of us is in spirit, we lose.

4.Free Will

This is the power to act on the other three. Make it your choice to change. Think about change and act on it constantly. Eventually, the inner ideals you hold true to will become a reality in the outer world. You will have transformed yourself.

Just remember that none of us has to be a victim of ourselves or of our past or of anything else that would sway us. The power of change is there for all who will choose it.

temple of light
This is a guided visualization, so begin as instructed in the meditation lesson. When you feel relaxed, visualize yourself in a meadow. Focus on the sights and sounds. Make it as real as you can. When you see it,even dimly, imagine that there is a stream of pure, clean water running through it. Take a drink and refresh yourself. Before you now,there is a hill. Begin to climb it. As you crest the hill, see a temple before you. It will take whatever form you give it. Walk around this temple and get a feel for what it looks like. When you feel ready, find the entrance and step inside. In the center you will see a burning flame. This is the light of your soul. It is the source of your true self. The first few times you do this, you should stop here and simply aquaint yourself with your Temple and the Light of your soul. In time however,when you feel ready, you should approach this light and merge with it. Let yourself reunite with you own life force. Spend what ever time you wish sharing yourself with it and drawing strength and peace from it. Time will give you the ability to no longer need to meditate to touch the peace of your soul. You will simply be able to imagine the feeling and it will come to you.

building bridges
This is another guided visualization. It should not be done until you have some proficiency at entering your Temple of Light and merging with your soul. Once you have reached the point of merging with your soul, imagine the source of what ever quality you want to merge with(such as "This is the source of all love" or "This is the source of peace".) as a swirling ball of energy in front of you. Extend lines of energy from your haed and heart to the source. Extend as many lines as you need to build a strong bridge. When you feel your bridge is strong, use it to move towards the source and merge with it. Take it its qualities and make them a part of yourself.

Jedi Sayings
(taken from various sources)
A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense,never for attack.
A Jedi is aware of their environment, but does not let it affect them in ways they do not wish.
A Jedi feels no heat or cold. A Jedi can extinguish pain. Strengthen yourself with the Force.
Do. Or do not. There is no try.
Perhaps it is not for us to sculpt the Forces flow to our purposes, but to become that which more easily flows with the Force.
With the Force as your ally, you are never without options.
Excitement,ha. Adventure,ha. A Jedi craves not these things.
A Jedi must have the most serious mind. The deepest commitment.
You do not believe. That is why you fail.
Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly upon our own point of view
A Jedi should be mindful of the future but not at the expense of the moment. Be mindful of the living Force.

physical shape
"A feeble body enfeebles the mind."
Jean Jaques Rousseau
Although most of my teachings here deal with the mind, it is important to realize that the mind needs the body as a support system. Your body and mind work together to produce power, and if you train one, and exclude the other, your practices will suffer for it.
It is not necessary to knock yourself out by trying to be Superman. The body's basic requirements are not that great.
I'll just point out a few basics. How far you take any exercise program is up to you.
1. You need a minimum of twenty minutes of cardiovascular exercise three times a week.
2. Try to avoid sugar in the diet.
3. Limit your intake of red meat. Large quantities are known to cause problems.
4. Avoid excess fat. The high fat, low fiber diet common today is also a common cause of various types of cancer, as well as contributing to heart troubles.
5. Some good cardiovascular excercises are running, swimming, skipping rope, and bicycling.
These ideas are just basics. If you find time for any of these things at least three times a week, and watch what you eat, your body and mind will be the better for it.

warriors creed
I have no parents- I make the heavens and earth my parents.
I have no home-I make awareness my home.
I have no life or death-I make the tides of breathing my life and death.
I have no divine power-I make honesty my divine power.
I have no means-I make understanding my means.
I have no magic secrets-I make character my magic secret.
I have no body-I make endurance my body.
I have no eyes-I make the flash of lightening my eyes.
I have no ears-I make sesibility my ears.
I have no limbs-I make promptness my limbs.
I have no strategy-I make"unshadowed by thought" my strategy.
I have no designs-I make"seizing opporotunity" my design.
I have no miracles-I make right action my miracles.
I have no principles-I make adaptability my principles.
I have no tactics-I make emptiness and fullness my tactics.
I have no talents-I make ready wit my talent.
I have no friends-I make my mind my friend.
I have no enemy-I make carelessness my enemy.
I have no armor-I make benevolence and righteousness my armor.
I have no castle-I make immovable mind my castle.
I have no sword-I make absence of self my sword.

Jedi Vrinn


  1. You cannot become all you can be unless you can imagine becoming it. If you do not even believe in yourself then that is why you fail.

  2. A Jedi is aware of his environment, but does not let it affect him in ways he does not wish.

  3. Thanks for your comments. Although it is nearly impossible to get your comments to the author of this particular article. The Jedi Archives is a collection of Jedi articles from in the past that use to reside at they were offline for a while then unpackaged at a later date on this blog.
