Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Jedi Bible

Patrick and Calm Q
like the idea of a Jedi, though I like my abilities. Surfing the web and talking with my cohorts, I have come across something that might speed up the process of the Jedi. Alas the website was terminated by unknown causes. Being the kind person that I am, I saved this Bible of the Jedi. I think I will post it here, since this is where it belongs. As for the advance technology, you can easily find that. That being that, here is your sacred Bible of the Jedi.

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These are the collective ideas of knowledge long ago. There are truths and metaphores within. Discriminate with care. Though a slim tome with few pages, inside are the basic inner workings of the Jedi to start you upon the path. Be warned. This path is not for the casually curious. If you choose to become a Jedi, you will have to work hard, and rise above human weaknesses. The Jedi are the proud, the few. If it was easy, then it wouldn't be for a Jedi.

I am Jedi Patrick. I have been studying the ways of the Force for almost ten years. I must say that for every answer I find, a question appears. Making my duty that much more interesting. With time, I have become wiser and more intelligent. One thing I must say to the Force learner at this time, do NOT think that becoming a Jedi means this cool calm fellow that shows no emotion and all that fun stuff. When following the path of the Jedi, you seek for your TRUE identity. Many people don't think I can be serious at times, because I believe humor to be a wonderful thing. I'm trying to be as serious as possible with this Bible because it is very important, and requires me to be completly focused.

Many people give the history of the Jedi from the books, and excepts that as truth. Do not be misled. These are just wonderful stories. There is a much truer history, but the History of the Jedi, the TRUE Jedi, begins with you. Many people will claim to be Jedi, or they will ridicule us for adopting the name, but the point still remains. It is but a name, and we have much more meaning than George Lucas even thought this would have been. When reading this Bible, this Book of the Jedi, you must apply the knowledge. You must go out and be who you are. If you are afraid of ridicule, shade the truth. Some would say never let the truth get in the way of a good story, but in this case let's not get that far. If people ask you what you believe in, just say that you believe in some all powerful power in the universe that gets you all the things you need. Then make wierd motions with them to scare them a little. Then explain that you are just having fun, and that you believe in something greater than you, but you are not quite sure what it is. Most people will leave it at that. If they keep pestering you, tell them that you are a Jedi knight sent from Coruscant to save a princess in distress. Ham it up too. That way you did not lie, and people are thinking that you are just having fun with them, and you most certainly wont loose a friend. The point is your spiritual life is just that. YOURS. Do not go out and preach unless you are ready. Do not go out as a Jedi Knight until you are ready. You may never be ready, but that is fine as well.

This Bible is a line of Bibles for the Jedi. Starting at Neophyte Jedi all the way to Jedi Master. Do not think this the only way for the Jedi, but it does give some common ground to work with, and will prove once and for all to the young student of the powers of the Force. Also, do not think that this is only to show the powers of the Force. This Bible will also show you how to live life. This book shows you how it all started, and goes from there.

The Beginning

It is common amongst the Scientific community that the Big Bang happened. Now theories on to how the Big Bang happened have been disputed for so long. I am going to give you a theory that is common. There was a super molecule. This molecule possesed all that was in such a small area. Eventually it exploded. Creating the Universe we all know and love. One interesting aspect of our Universe is this, the Universe operates at a certain gravity. The measurement for this gravity is .007. Had it been .006 the Universe would not have been able to form, and would just expand out forever into infinity. Had it been .008 instead, it would not have exploded, but imploded. Thus our Universe would not be. Even .007999999 is too much. The gravity MUST be .007 gravity (proving my theory that James Bond is God). "The Force created Life..." The Universe also opperates at 7.3368 hertz. Or so I'm told. The point is that the Universe is a sound. We are all sounds. The essence of who we are also vibrates. When we die, we return to the Great Song. "... and Life created the Force." All will be explained later. Moving on, soon life was created. Life is a very interesting thing. Yes it evolves, but eventually it evolves to the point to be part of the Force. We evolved to be part of the Force. So that's good. I guess what I'm trying t say is that life evolves to the point that they are capable of using the Force consciously instead of instinctually, since all are part of the Force. That's really it for the beginning. Life was there, and fun stuff.

The Force

Many will ask, "What is this Force?" Simply put, it is God. Not the Muslim God, not Jesus, not any kind of organized religion God, but the TRUE God of the sense. Every religion teaches that God is everywhere. This is true. It is in me, you, the rock, the river, everything. So too is the Force. It is better to use the term Force for the simple reason that the name God has been so abused that Force works just as well. So you can see the correlation. Let us for a moment think of how this Force can exist. The athiest that believes in nothing will say that everything happens by freak chance. That was there, and that was there, and they got together and BOOM life. Ask them why that is and they will say that it was the Law of Nature. Well, what is the Law of Natuer? What is Nature? The point is a Law must be formulated and enforced. The Force is busy at work. Now the Force is normally Good. It is the interpretation of how people use the Force that will decide if the Force is Good or Bad. The lessons I teach here can not be used by those that are Evil, hence the Sith. If you are evil at heart the techniques just wont work. Simple as that. Back to the Force. "well if the Force is real, how come I can't see it, how come I can't feel it, how come I can hear or whatever?" The Ego is such a wierd thing. You agree with me, the Force is everywhere and Omnipotent. Let's see what would happen if a purely omnipotent thing was to reveal itself to you. Let's think... Oh yeah, YOUR BRAIN WOULD BE PLASTERED ALL OVER THE COSMOS!!! Can you look at the sun without protective wear and not get blinded? NO! The Same is with the Force, I suppose. A Jedi is capable of Feeling the Force in a diffirent way, which will be explained later on. "The Force will be with you, always." This is very true. The Force is in everything. Therefore it stands to logic that the Force is a Omnipresent being. Thinking the Force as a living entity just makes life more interesting. After all, ever single one of us must obey the Will of the Force.

Life, and the point of it all

Over the years of my research into the Force, I have come across a very interesting thing with humans. They do not fear death, they fear living. Should one of the Jedi finnaly convince an athiest of the purpose of life, they will infinatly hate you. We shall use quatum physics for this part. According to Quantum Physics, the present does not exist. So in that context, which do you believe is more change-able. The past or the future? The past, since all of our actions exist in the past. That would suggest a predestined Future. Even science suggests a destiny. Let us also use our previous notion of a vibration. Now, everything in the cosmos is a vibration. Even you, even that which is thinking inside of you right now. So, in all the Cosmos each thing is a distinct Vibration. So there will never be another YOU in the past, "present", or future. Now when you were selected to be born, there was a line of vibrations along with you. Yet out of that line of TRILLIONS of vibrations, YOU were selected. If you were not, I doubt very much that even your body would still look the same. That is how unique you are. A Jedi must have NO fear. Fear is caused by doubt in oneself. Therefore you must understand that you ARE perfect on your level. As the Force is perfect on the Macrocosmos, so are you on the microcosmos. That you must understand. At one point we were all part of the Force, then one day we just split from the Force. If you think of it like Adam and Eve, then we were in a varitable Paradise, but we ate the "fruit" of knowledge. The Knowledge of Good and Evil. This was suppose to make us like Gods. Now with this knowledge comes resposibility. So the point of it all is to learn a lot, and return to the Force, our home.

"Luminous beings are we. Not this crude matter." — Jedi Master Yoda.

Death, and how to cope

As I said before, many people are not afraid of Death, but afraid of Living. Yet there are those that fear Death more. If you are one such person, let me stave off your fears. I somewhat speak of personal experience since I once died, but was thankfully returned to my beautiful self. Anywho, when you die you enter into a sleeplike state, which I believe you stay like that for three days. On which time you awake. That is of course you lived a constructive life. From there you will feel good and tingly all over. You may notice you are surrounded by a golden shine. You may hear soft music. Well at this time your Spirit (the part always connected to the Force) is recording all that you learned. Your Soul (your ego, if you still have it) can roam about freely. For a Jedi Master sometimes he or she will have learned so much that they bypas this whole dying thing and go on to unite with the Force. That is the second part of Life, to become one with the Force. If you do not learn enough at one time you will be reincarnated to make sure you learn everything. Yes reincarnation exists, even if you don't remember. And the reason is this...

The Human Mind, Spirit, Soul, Body

I'm sure you have heard the term sub-conscious. Most people use that term wrongly. When people preform hypnosis, they get by the Conscious into the Super conscious. The super conscious mind is the one also known as your Spirit. This mind is always connected to the Force. Now you may think of this mind seperate as yours. You do this because your regular conscious is animalistic. It is Ego catering. Thus blocking out your Spirit. As a Jedi you understand that your Ego is your worst enemy. There are methods for the Young Force learner to do in order to rid one self of the Ego and become one with their Spirit. Methods for the Neophyte Jedi to practice will come later. So as you can tell by the title, that a person has three bodies. The Physical is our body we are most accustomed to. Then comes the Soul. This one is more associated with the Astral world. It is also your Ego. The last part is the Spirit, the one that is always connected to the Force. This part is immortal and (believe it or not, either way soon you will) omnipotent.

Jedi History

There has been a mass movement amongst the Jedi community to build a Temple. Many believe it to be a good idea, but end up being hypocrites by saying that it will never be done, that it is imposible, or that in the end it is purely fantasy. One such place that was almost meeting its goal was the Jedi Organization. Until eventually corruption and bad influences took place, and the goal was once again stifled. You may encounter a great deal of critisism because of what you think. I for one am all too accustomed with the idea of being over burdened with brains. I don't say that with a smug sneer, but because it's true. I remember one person saying that the person who came up with the idea was trying to make the Jedi way a cult. In the end, according to how that person thinks, everything is cult. The way I teach the Jedi path makes it a way of life. What constitues something as being a cult is a form of religion that steals a person's Will. So that they no longer can think. That is a Cult. As you can see, this path is not a Cult. So most people go on to make web pages that deal with the Jedi as some philosopher person and nothing more. Just a bunch of people questioning life and the way of things. A Jedi is obviously much more. Even though our goal is to learn as much as possible, we Jedi must do it in a manner of experience. By seeing what is, and experience what is, a Jedi can learn as much as one can learn in one lifetime. It comes down to knowledge. When someone asks the meaning of something and the definition is given, then that person that gave the definition knows not what that truely is. Ask yourself the definition of "the". It is really hard, isn't it. That is intuitive knowledge. To Understand is to truely Know. You may notice from a distance that Jedi seem to have self doubt, or they just don't know something so they give the definition of something. It has been this way for a long time. That is why I do not associate myself with any of the already existing Jedi places. I do not feel that they are acting in the best manner for the Jedi. So up until now, the Force and Jedi have been in a state of nostalgia. There has been No expanding among the Jedi world. Jedi have been complacent. That is why I have created these line of Bibles. It is time for the Jedi to come into action. So with all already said, let us begin on the Path of the Jedi.

The Jedi Code

"There is no Emotion, there is only Peace
There is no Ignorance, there is only Knowledge
There is no Passion, there is only Serenity
There is no Death, there is only the Force."

There has always been a sort of debate about the meaning of this Code, but more often than not Jedi can agree to the meaning of this Code. Before I give the definition of what the Code means, you should sit down and think the meaning of the Code by yourself. What does each line mean to you? Does something stick out for you? Does something worry you about a line? The point is, always ask questions. Whenever an answer is given to you, ask why that is. Now on to the definition. The first line is an interesting one, and has had some debate in its time. It does not say to be an emotionless robot, but instead a person that does not let their emotions take control of them. If you feel Joy, yes, share it, but don't obsses over it. If you are fearful over something, admit that you are feeling it and let it pass. The point is don't let your emotions control you. The second line is interesting, because I sort of explained it above. The point of knowledge is to get us Home, back to the Force. Also, Ignorance breeds fear. We all know where Fear leads us. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. That is why Jedi seek the Truth. Now, the third line is a little bit tricky. Some would say passion is alright. In the end, however, it isn't. Passion is of the Ego. You must be calm and ONE with your Spirit. Serene. This is the part of the Code that forbids taking on a second student. When you do this, you are having passion to train, thus offsetting your serenity. Being serene allows one to hear the will of the Force. That is why being a Jedi is so hard. That is why so many do not succeed. We are a proud select few. Now the last line was also sort of explained above. You truely never die. Death is just a state of change. When you have fulfilled your end of the bargain, then you will return to your home.


Meditation has sort of been handed down throught the ages amongst the Jedi. There is one specific meditatoin that Jedi tend to agree upon. It is called the Calming Breath. There are three stages of the Calming Breath. Since you can find the Calming Breath at any Jedi web page, I suggest you go out and find it. I am not going to waste space here that so many have already done. What I am going to do is give you the meditation that unites your Spirit with your Consciousness and body. To make you ONE. You may know it called as Effacious Prayer. On to the Technique.

What you need to do is find a place where you will not be disturbed. Any distraction must be removed. Normally I do not recommend you do meditation with music, because your mind can be programmed to relax to a specific stimuli. It is better to be able to relax on command. If, however, you chose to play music for this Discipline, then that is alright. Anyways, Try to always be standing when preforming this discipline. One thing you must understand is that the Force is everywhere. So saying pretty words means nothing. Close your eyes, spread your feet about shoulder width apart, raise your arms as if being hugged, and raise your head as if expecting a kiss. I know, you may feel really stupid doing this at first. That is why it is called a discipline. From there visualize what you need. If you wish to be one, radiate inward and project your libido from your solar plexus to move all the way up to the Corpus striatum of the brain. Now the English version. Imagine a white light shining from your naval area, and it slowly growing brighter until your whole body seems to glow with this white light. Will yourself to become ONE. Another way to visualize this is to imagine a Golden glowing Sphere to be shining just above your head. Now everytime you breath in, you take in some of this golden light into you. Starting from your feet. Try to imagine this as being a sort of warm liquid. When you breath out imagne that the liquid integrates itself with your body and glows brighter. Do this until your entire body is filled with the golden light. KNOW that this is your Spirit integrateing with yourself. Not visualize, KNOW. After sometime with this discipline you can litterally get whatever you need. This discipline only works for those of the light. Anyways, soon you will be ONEING all the time instinctualy. That is when you must learn to forgive instantly. You will be a unified being, and those that cross you will suffer the worst in a hurry if you do not instantly forgive. Disease will pass you by, things will just happen nicely for you. Like in Phantom Menace, Qui Gon just nicely had everything work out for him. That will happen for you if you keep at this discipline. Try to always do it standing up. Try to do the Discipline for anything. You feel really happy, thank the Force for giving you the opertunnity to feel that way. You feel really down, do the Discipline to get you out of it. After visualizing what you need, there is sort of an answer to know if you got what you wanted. After praying you may feel a sense of peace. That is you sensing a disturbance in the Universe, and it aligning with itself. That is how a Jedi feels the Force. When there is a distubance in the Force a Jedi can feel that because the Jedi is ONE. At times just sit and do the calming breath, or find a meditation that you like and just will yourself to become one. Stop from now and then to get a breather. Don't force it along. The point is to try without trying. When I say do and no try that means that you need to fill all roles so that it is impossible for you to fail. ONEING will make it absolutely impossible for you to fail. The reason for this is because you must move with all your being and KNOW that is the way that it must be. Sometimes when you do the Discipline, you will feel the "answer", but what you ask for will not come to you. Sometimes you do not get what you want for many reasons. Why, I do not know. Someday we might. So my request on the Neophyte Jedi is to always meditate when possible. At work during slow times, at school during slow times (please don't do meditatin during school...), etcetera ad infinitum.

Force Skills

Using the force must be used with moderation. When you get to my stage of developement you will soon realize how pointless it is to have such powers. Flying, curing, moving objects, it really doesn't serve a purpose until Jedi are used on a common level. The skills I will teach you will be practiced on an obscure level. You cannot let anyone else know that you are practicing this unless they are a Jedi. This is for the protection of th Jedi. If you do not understand, then go out and proclaim that you are a Jedi and you are preforming the skills of a Jedi. I believe then you will understand. The first skill you will learn is hard to explain. I can think of no name to give this discipline other than Knowing. What you do is meditate for only a moment, just so that you get to know that you are ONEING. There is an area in your solar plexus that can tell you answers. Ask yourself a yes question. A question that you know is a yes answer. After you ask yourself that question, say the answer is no. You will notice a feeling in your gut. This is your gut telling you the answer is yes. Do the same for no. When you figure out what yes and no feels like, then you can ask yourself a non emotional questoin that you do not know the answer to. After sometime, ask yourself an emotional question that you do not know the answer to. What makes this interesting is now you can play a sort of contest with yourself. After you ask the question think of all the answers that apply. Try to find a way to answer the question with your wits. Then use your gut to answer the question. See how it simply puts to rest all your problems. If you find yourself trying to think it out, like saying ,"Yeah well if I do that.." then you are thinking about your answer in a wrong way. Just trust yourself. Sometimes the answer isn't always popular, but it is right. Another reason why it is hard being a Jedi. After a while of doing this exercise, and being one, you will expand beyond words, and you will act by feelings from then on. You must let go and trust your feelings. You would be surprised how often you are correct. That is all for the Force skills. Master these, so that you KNOW they are ready at your call. For someday you will have to call on these skills. If you are with friends, and you are not a Jedi but of the Light, the Knowing discipline will also save them if danger is about and you need to know a way out. If you are a Jedi, then you already know that you do not matter, and the safety of others come first. Your gut wil know this also, but it will try to save you as well.

Personal Skills

A Jedi must be clear in the head in order to be at peak performance. You must be at calm mind before you can help others. What I am going to give you to practice is a sort of complimentary sort of exercise to be done before meditation. Once again find a place where you will not be disturbed. Get a pen and piece of paper and write. Write anything, it doesn't matter. Write filth, write swear words, just write. Don't worry about punctuation, spelling, grammer, nothing. Just write what comes to mind. After you have filled a page of your brain garbage, read it over ONCE. Except that you have written that and destroy it. Don't worry if you have a disgusting mind, we all do. After all with the knowledge of evil, a dark seed exists in us all. I must, however, re-iterate that you must destroy that writting. Never keep it to brood over for later. NEVER let anyone else read it also. The point is to clear the mind and rid it of the excreta that so clogs it at times. Tearing, burning, or whatever is you flushing it down the John. I must also re-iterate that you not expound on this exercise. Do it as I tell you and don't add any bells and whistles to it. Keep it in the state that it has been given to you. Trust me it works.


It is highly recommended for the Jedi to begin physical activities. The Jedi are DEFENDERS of peace and justice. As the old proverb goes, "It is better to make weak enemies." If you are weak, how can you defend? Thus it is suggested that you get into a martial arts, and learn how to fight. Mixed with your Force Skill of Knowing, I'm sure you will be a formidable foe. I must, of course, say that your skills must only be used to fight the wrongs, set right the corrupted, and help those in need. Even I have a certain exercise regeime. I do not suggest that you become some muscle bound person. Instead I suggest that you get lean, for you may need the flexibility, and anything you may need to lift that is beyond your normal strength, the Force can help with that. Join a jogging group, join a weight traing class, join Kung Fu schools, learn Tai Chi, do something. That really is it for the Exercise area. Get to WORK!!!


From what I have given you above, you can see that there is a long path for the Neophyte Jedi to brood over, so to speak. Just keep in mind that there is even more to learn. This just a small portion of what is out there. This truely is a basis to the Jedi path. Even if you decide not to continue on that path of the Jedi, this will at least give you a stepping stone for much better things. If you wish to stay in the Jedi commuity, but not go on learning new things from my Bible lines, then this will help you be a great Jedi still. But remember that there is still a great deal more than this simple tome to becoming a Jedi. Especialy if you wish to be a Jedi Master. Take what I have taught you, and apply it. Actually go out and do that which I have told you to try. To me try means experiment. Not half hazard job. These lessons will mean nothing if you just read it and put it away. Apply the knowledge as best you can. Go out and KNOW. Go out and help the helpless. I do not condone vigilantes. Until we are asked by governments to act, it is still illegal to take power into our own hands. Still, don't let bullies have their way. So keep this in mind, you are the DEFENDER of all that is just. Evil has a new face to fear. Those that fear the Light can never walk in the day again so long as you exist. Remember this, but do not let it become Passion. Swallowing pride seldom leads to indigestion. Always be humble for it is not you that posses such powers, but the Will of the Force granting itself to your use. Always remember that it does not matter that you are Jedi, for a Jedi is only a name. You are here to learn and help those that cannot help themselves. I can't stress enough how humble you must be, but do not be a complete wierdo that can't except a compliment. Just be humble, or you may block the Flow of the Force, and no longer be a Jedi. I also recomend that you start learning about technology. You can do that at the website.

The One It stands to reason that almost every religion states that there will be a time of darkness, but will eventually be destroyed by the One. The One that will bring peace and balance to everything. A new age of enlightenment will come about, so on and so forth. I will not go into to much talking here for I am still wondering if it is true. The Jedi must learn all things. Go out and seek this information, find the truth out for yourself. Who knows what you might find. So I leave the path of the Jedi in your hands, go now and BE a Jedi. May the Force be with you, always.

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And so ends the Book of the Jedi by Jedi Patrick. It would appear that this Patrick person was somewhat of a wise fellow, or a complete dilusional fool that looks up porn on the web, or both... It would also appear that this Patrick did not know of this site, but believed that this website was no longer here. So all in all, I also happened to save the other Books, but I did not save the technology. I thought it would be more interesting to watch you all look for it. I can't do all the work for you. It was rather interesting, this Patrick fellow had entire schematics for space ships. From scalar warp wave drives, to rife machines, to Capacitor array gravity warp drives (a rather tempermental and risky piece of equipment if you ask me), to even begin working on ideas for a real lightsaber, though I sincerely doubt He would have made one. This man was even thinking of theories for stellar flight using Hyperspace, but he was going in the wrong direction. Just to clear up some confusion about hyperspace, it is not a dimension beyond space and time, but a collection of four or more dimensions. This is where he faltered. As for travel within this super dimension, well you will just have to figure that out now, won't you.

There is only a select few of Q's that exist today, I doubt that will change, but the Jedi have great potential. All humans could become Jedi, though their abilities would vary depending upon how intune with the Force they are in. I take it that Relan Volkum is the ring leader of this group, so I leave it up to him wether I post the rest of the Books or not. Still, the enlightened "spirit" can learn from anything. Looking back at this post, I think this is rather long. So I shall end here. As a Q I don't believe I will ever truely understand Human society, but as a Q I can understand potentiel, and I see great things for Jedi that follow the line of Books, that this Patrick wrote. I am certainly happy that chilvalry is not dead. So I say my farewells. I will be around.

Patrick and Calm Q
The JEDI Website

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