Saturday, January 29, 2011

Meditational Techniques

Just as for a whole of a person you must not only exersize your body, your creative artistic skills and information, you must also condition the spirit. Now I belive theres a very strong connection between the innerself, or subcontious and your spirit. Perhaps it is because your spirit is easier to acess or to be aware of in a more subcontious state. I'm not all together certian of all the (scientific)benifits of meditation, but I'm sure there are alot of them. It helps reduce stress, enhance relaxation, increase iq, awareness of yourself and the world around you. I have even heard that if your able to sustain a deep meditation for 4 or 6 hours you will not need sleep. There are many forms of meditation, diffrent techniques a few of the more popular ones are chakra, muscle tensing, chanting, or point meditation. The purpose of many of them such as muscle tensing and relaxing or chanting has the same principle of the meditation I like to use which focuses in breathing. (at first) Its simply that you focus on one thing to clear your mind of all things. Which is why there are chanting ect. The focal point meditation for those of you who seem to have a hard time clearing your mind (which sounds easier then it is) is focal point meditation to direct all your thoughs and concentrate on one object, point, or whatever physical place in the room. Many people like to do it with candles, though candles can enhance the meditational mood can be riskey if you happen to fall asleep or otherwise blank out.


My way or Meditation: The purpose of meditation is to be able to contiously reach your subcontious. To be only contious enough to know that you are in your subcontious mind. Which requires you to block out, push back or throw out all the other thoughts in your mind. In our fast pace stressful society our minds are constantly thinking of many things. While you may think your only thinking about one or 2 things, in the forefront of your mind, there are many other things floating around back there. You know this when you start to clear your mind. One of the best time's to reach your subcontious, contiously is when you are ready to go to bed (and are not too tired) laying down before you fall asleep. The reason for this is because your mind is still awake (most of the time lol) while your body is trying to sleep, shutting off your regular senses (plus in dreams you are sumberged into your subcintous which is where we are trying to go). Helping you to feel more of whats going on. The senses though helpful often distract us from the other world that is integrated with ours. The spiritual world. You can do this laying down on something confortable, or sitting up in a meditational pose. If you are sitting up, make sure that your spine is straight. Although not all together nesseary I like to keep myself cymetrial while I am meditating.


Laying Down: Lay down with your feet apart, body relaxed, arms to your side palms up. Make sure that you are completley confortable that there is nothing physically that is going to distract you, anything from a uncomfortable outfit, to exessive light, or sound. With pratice you can meditate in almost any situation that presents himself but for now complete silence and a restfulness of the world around you would be best. Now breath in, take a deep breath in filling your lungs and let it out slowly. Continue to breath in deeply. Now close your eyes shutting out the world around you. Breath in relax, let the things around you go. concenrate, breath deep. realx be one with yourself, breath relaxed and natural, time some time to just feel the silence, the peace, concenrate.


Meditation while Sitting up: Sit up with your legs crossed in a comfortable position. If this is not comfortable you, find something that feels natural. Spine straight, palms up breath in closing your eyes and relaxing the body. It is not nesseary to keep your thoughts always on your posture, just relax and breath in. Clear your mind and forget about all the worries or cares of the day. Don't forget to breath deep and just forget everything and feel what is around you. I like to meditate outside in order to be closer to nature, to feel the wind around you. The birds in the air the natural sounds that too many people do not hear, or the sights the too many people do not see along the course of there daily lives. Notice the intricasys of nature, the clouds in the sky or anything around you. Know your surroundings, nature, the world, and become one with it all. Lose yourself, relax.


In this I like to sometimes just let my mind wonder, to look around at the tree's the patterns and just watch life go by, even though an ulitmate goal is a clear mind. Sometimes thinking and letting your mind wonder is also a good thing. When you reach your subcontious there will be many things you can see, or learn from anything around you from life, or things ideas and thoughts that are put together and realized.
Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing-


A few more Meditational Techniques:

Focal Point Meditation - Clearing your mind is a very diffifult thing to do. Our minds are constantly thinking. Some poeple find that it is easier to get to that point in our minds to concentrate on something physical, a point of light spot on the room a star a rock whatever it is just look at something and concentrate on it so all your thoughts become one. I like to have a mirror around when I'm meditating or doing spiritual things because I don't know there is just somthing mystic about it. I have read that some people say that the mirror can suck away energy through the eyes but I think that its the other way around. It can be a powerful tool. One of my favorites.


Scrying - Its sort of a combined form of meditation and focal point. Nostradamus (well he did some sort of scrying I do belive it was with a mirror, but I could be wrong.) (Also another example of scrying would be in Lord of the Rings, the mirror of Gandriel or whatever that was Froto looked into the reflection and saw the future.) You sit down, meditate clearing your mind and focusing on something, the 'crysal ball' or mirror in a darkened room. Let your mind roam free and just let the images come to you inside it.


Meditational Dancing - Just put on some music and let yourself go its that easy. Just let your body move the way it wants to move when it wants to move and don't think about anything thats all there is to it.


Rag Doll - This should be a supplamental addition to the laying down meditation. Just pretend that your body is a rag doll, and let your body sink down into the bed, floor, whatever your on. Lay your body limp like you don't even have control over it as if you are made of cotton.


There are many other forms of meditation such as Tai Chi, Qui Gong and many other techniques out there to try.

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