Saturday, January 29, 2011

Learn Your Balance

First of all, the force holds all knowledge, and to seek the force is to seek that knowledge. However like I said, you must not want, beg or expect it, you MUST SEEK IT. Telekenesis has become a world wide mystory now adays. Tales of people levitating people up to four feet in the air, bending spoons and forks with their minds, to being able to throw objects with a simple thought. Are these fact or just myths and parlor tricks? There is no definant answer to this as each person has the ability to truth and to twist their truths. Some are fake and some are real, just as some seek the force and some turn from it. I have found that telekenesis comes with the stability of your mind. Learning to use it at will is one thing, but to feel and know it is there is mind blowing its self. I was quite shocked to find what I did just tonight.

I am a swordsman by my pure interest in the ancient Japanese culture since I was a small child. Though, I have only trained with the sword for a few years. Tonight I decided to try and test how much strain my wrist could take by balancing my sword between my thumb and pointing finger(I was using a modified katana if this confuses some of you as to how I could balance a sword like that.). My arm was at least two inches away from my body and my forearm was above my chest with my wrist bent in an upward motion and my hand flat almost parallel with my chest. It took me a minuet but I finaly balanced my sword out perfect to where it wouldent fall, and began the exersise. During the exersise I began to meditate to help keep my body as motionless as possible, yet the sword began to move. When my eyes would open and the meditation broke, the sword would stop moving. The thing is, I have had a lot on my mind today and my thoughts have been some what distracted even in this meditation. So curious as to if the swords movement could have anything to do with the meditation, I thought I was actually moving the sword with my mind. Well, I was half right.

It isnt the actual gift of telekenesis I think, but as I went back into a meditation I cleared my mind and got into a siren state of mind. Amazingly the sword found a balance almost immediatly and remained quite still until I began reaching out and pulling in with my mind, by this I mean reaching deeper into my meditation and opening my will to the force to allow it to come to me, and as I did this the sword seemed to react but not in an off balance manner. Every time I would reach deeper, I could feel the sword tilt tip down. As I would allow more of the forces will upon me the hilt came down. Keep in mind no part of my arm was touching my chest so none of my breathing could have caused this, nor was I flinching. I made sure that I kept a calm and motionless state on my body.

Some of you might be wondering what this means. I have done some deep thought on this and believe I have figuered it out. When any force user channels the force in a weapon or item the current of the item or weapon is the same as theirs, as the current from the item or weapon and the force user is one in the same. Yet living and non living things are affected different by a channeled force flow. Where as a human is living, we have the dominant ability over the force, our mind. The sword has no mind, there for the force is dominant to it. So when the force channels through a person, they can alter the effects the force channels to them, but the sword can only recieve an effect from the force, not alter it. This sword was actually showing me my balance in my meditation.

This technique doesnt nessissarily have to be used with a sword, but it needs to be a balanced item that is relativly straight. And for those who are experienced in reaching into the force and pulling in its meanings know what I speak of by pushing and pulling on a channel of the force. If you dont, I wouldent reccomend relying on this technique until you have experimented in feeling the force a little more, as people who dont know what to feel for would be more dependent on the sword than their own perceptions to tell them how well they are balanced in their meditation.

I hope this little technique will help those of the order in their meditations to help keep a better balance and discover more about themselves and the force.


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