One becomes that upon which he meditates....
Meditation is essential on the path of Jediism. As Jedis, we have chosen to serve the Light. To know the Will of the Light Force, one must be able to still the mind through meditation. Through that inner quietness, one learns to listen to the "still small voice", the voice of the true Jedi within. Meditation is a key which can open the door to higher perception, unlocking the perfect wisdom in our hearts. Through quieting the mind and focusing our attention, we allow our innate inner wisdom to flow into our awareness.
Meditation is described in various ways and can take place in many different forms - some of which are seemingly simple, but can be very powerful. From a more intellectual point of view, meditation can be viewed in the most general sense as thinking in a controlled manner. It is deciding exactly how one wishes to direct the mind for a period of time, and then doing it. This describes a more structured form of meditation. This type of meditation helps develop mental discipline and one-pointedness. An example of this kind of meditation would be in the concentrating on one's breathing. A less structured type of meditation may involve the exploration of one's reactions/thoughts/feelings regarding the subject of the meditation.... (e.g. a word, image, concept or problem).
Meditation can be a formal practice or discipline, or it may simply involve relaxing, calming the mind while watching a beautiful sunset, or while walking and enjoying the wonders of nature. Every moment of our lives can become a meditation when we focus in the here and now on whatever we are doing and experience it to the fullest.
The highest forms of meditation are for the purposes of self-realization, connection with the Light, God, Spirit, the Universal (or whatever term one chooses to use), and the Higher Self/True Jedi within. The ultimate objective of meditation may be seen as becoming One with Spirit and achieving unification with the Light in the universe. Through meditation, we have the opportunity to see the Light in all things, for the Light is in all things.
Meditation on the Light Force draws one closer to the source of the Light. When one opens their heart and mind to the Will of the Force, it allows the source behind the Force to pour more Light into the chalice of their being. With that alignment, one is attuned with the power of the Force and that Light can be radiated out for the upliftment of all.
These meditation basics are presented for those who may be new to meditating. Some may find structured meditation a little difficult to get into at first, but the effort will be well rewarded in the end.
Meditation Place:
A special meditation place is helpful, but not a requirement. Find or create a quiet, comfortable place where you can meditate undisturbed. It may be a place on the floor, a comfortable chair, a spot in the garden or a quiet corner in a park. The temperature should be comfortable, the noise level low and distractions minimal. As you learn to center your heart and mind and experience the peace and solitude within, you can meditate almost anywhere, under almost any conditions.
The length of a meditation can be a minute or less or for an hour or more. With more structured meditations, at least 15 minutes is usually recommended. Most people find it helpful to set aside time for meditation on a regular basis, although flexibility is needed as it is the pleasure of the practice, not the discipline, that leads you into self-introspection and self-awareness. As meditation becomes a part of your life, you will probably find you miss it when it is not there.
Meditation can be done lying down, although that makes some prone to falling asleep. When sitting (or lying down), the spine should be kept as straight as possible as that keeps the Light centers (more on these centers below) in alignment and allows more Light to flood in and through the body. If sitting in a chair, the feet should be kept flat on the floor. Hands can be placed on the thighs or in the lap with palms cupped upward indicating openness to the process. When sitting on the floor, the legs can be crossed in the standard way, or in the half or full lotus position (yoga).
Visualize a protective bubble of energy (white or blue light) completing surrounding you and ask that it protect you from any disturbances during your meditation.
Before beginning any meditation, it is always helpful to take several or more deep, slow, full breaths. Deep breathing helps to calm the mind and aids in easing into a meditative state.
Heart Centering:
The heart has been regarded by many of the world's religions as a source of tremendous energy and power. The heart has been referred to as the place where God resides in man, the point of Spirit that is the source of inspiration and self-transcendence. When centering in the heart during meditation, we connect with that spark of divinity that anchors the Higher Self/true Jedi within. From this wellspring of Light, we can bring forth solutions to even our most challenging problems.
Steps for Heart Centering: Go within and consciously focus your attention and draw all your energy to the point of your heart. Take several deep breaths until you feel calm and centered. To intensify the feeling of being in your heart, feel a deep sense of love for someone close to you, or visualize a beautiful rose or flame in your heart.
You may find that as you meditate, your thoughts continue to flow in a seeming never-ending stream through your mind. When this happens, gently return your attention to the focus of your meditation.
The Light Centers (Chakras):
(It is not the purpose here to go deeply into this subject, however, it is recommended that all who meditate become familiar with these important Light centers.)
Within the body on a higher octave are Light centers which are known as "Chakras", which is a sanskrit word meaning "wheels of light". The light referred to is spiritual Light, which vibrates at a much higher frequency than physical light. These Light centers govern the flow of energy/the Light Force through our beings and help to magnify it. There are a total of 144 Light centers in the body, with 7 major ones along the spinal column. Each of these chakras corresponds to a different rainbow ray and its attributes. The greater the alignment of the prism of the body, the greater the release of the light and control over the Force. As also stated above, that is why it is important to keep the spine as straight as possible when meditating.
Short Meditation to Begin the Day:
Starting out the day with a short meditation to align your thoughts and feelings with Spirit/the Light helps to set the tone for the day. Focus your attention in the center of your heart and let the Light fill your heart. With each slow breath, allow the Light to expand a little further in all directions until you are completely surrounded by Light. Open your heart to the loving energy of Spirit. Ask to know the Will of the Force and be guided by that Will throughout the day.
Meditations on Aspects of the Light:
Very powerful, yet simple meditations involve meditating on various aspects of the Light Force and visualizing the spiritual Light connected with that aspect. After coming to a calm, centered state, meditate on one or more of the following aspects of the Light and their respective color connections:
Love - Pink, Wisdom/Illumination - Yellow, Power - Blue, Healing & Abundance - Emerald Green, Freedom-Violet, Peace - Purple/Gold, Purity - White
Silently say the word over and over and feel any emotion connected with it. At the same time visualize the Light radiating out from your heart and every single cell and atom of your being. As the meditation becomes deeper and deeper, observe any thoughts that arise in connection with the object of the meditation and silently repeat any affirmations that may come to mind. Keep intensifying the Light and radiate it outwards. Through Universal Law, that which we send forth is returned to us, as in truth we are powerful energy generators and magnetic forcefields.
White Light Meditation:
This meditation is one every Jedi should do on a regular basis.
Center in the heart and still all outer activity of mind and body. To begin the meditation, visualize the intensity of the sun at high noon - at its zenith. For the first 5 minutes, allow dazzling white light to envelope your entire being. Recognize and intensely feel the connection between the outer self and Spirit/the true Jedi within. Keep your attention focused on the heart center and visualize it as a golden sun.
Feel the great brilliancy of the Light and magnify it in every atom of your mind and body with deep, deep intensity for at least 10 minutes longer. Affirmations can be included, such as: I live in the Light, I serve the Light, I love the Light, I am illumined by the Light, I am protected and sustained by the Light...
May all on the path of Jediism come to know the tremendous activity, power and perfection that abides and is forever active within the Light...
Jedi Knightism from Jeddism
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