Allow my introduction - My name is Master Swaro Eptama. I live in Las Vegas and have lived my life as a Jedi for many years. I have been reviewing all the posts and would like to offer some of my learnings over the years of my studies.
I am posting in this section whereas it hits on the subject I want most to talk about. In reference to titles. I give myself the title of Master. A bold step in many opinions. However, credentials are a falsehood over the net. So trust is what I ask of my fellow Jedi. Over the 27+ years of my studies, The Force itself has been my focus. In my readings of this site in regards to the teachings of the Force, I have found many truths. What is missing from the Force teachings is the "Learning from The Force."
This is what I mean, I, as well as many others, have the ability to tap into the knowledge of the Force. This gives me access to ALL KNOWLEDGE. Again, another bold statement. You must choose a subject that you wish to learn and follow that path in meditation. When you have given yourself to the will of The Force and the subcon and the con. mind are one, this is where the learning begins.
Access to this is not easy to gain. First, you must have an introduction to between the sub con and con. minds. This in itself is an expierience with great intensity. Become proficient at this ability. Many deep meditations must occur to reach this area of your mind. Focus and control are essential.
Now, when your will is ready to unify with the will of The Force, the leaning will begin. This will take many forms, from a simple "download into you sub con mind to sitting with a dead martial art master from 600 years ago discussing and practicing skills with him/her/them. When you want to recall your teachings, walking meditation is the easiest. Also, your knowledge will be there when you need it, in other words, you'll find yourself saying, "I don't know how I knew that, I just did."
Now, this part you must take to heart and I mean REALLY TAKE TO HEART!!! I fore warn all to delve into this path. This is a dangerous area, I don't mean the dark side path, I mean finding out many truths of the world will be revealed to you. History as you know it, will change, Idea's and strong tradition will crumble. Many important cornerstone's of your belief system will be shattered. The mind is like a sponge when it receive's a new path to knowledge, you sub con mind will be relentless is it's prodding of your con. mind to gain new knowledge, so choose carefully what you wish to learn about.
Why then do I tell you of these things, some may ask. There is no ignorance; the is knowledge is why. Also, If we are to further The Jedi Way, all aspects must be included. Choose or Choose not.
Thank you all for your consideration in the matter.
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