As you may or may not know, there are many challenges to being a Jedi and leading a spiritual life. The ones I have mentioned are only a few, such as living simply, and learning how to act in accordance with nature. Yet none of these compare to that which is learning to be yourself.
This is a very difficult task. It is a path to enlightenment. If you can see things in such a way that no one else's thoughts or opinions can get in your way, then you've really accomplished something. It is the ultimate freedom. And like usual, anything worth your time and effort is a difficult road. One which has many winding turns. One which can be very rocky, and bumpy.
Instead of explaining the solution to this problem as I have in the past to many other challenges, I can only leave this message as it stands. For I have no solution. The way through can only be experienced, not told. It takes much time, for which you need patience and courage. It takes a lot of heart to be yourself. But once you can open your eyes to the larger film of life, then you will stop acting different parts.
Go and be strong in life. Carry on and don't look back. The greatest challenge awaits you.
The Jedi Creed
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