This is still a work in progress.
The keys to the path of the Jedi to unlock each door you must yourself take the effort, make the choices. "I can only show you the door, you have to walk through it" Morpheus - The Matrix. Anyways the first keys to the path of the Jedi are:
Meditation and Belief
First I will go over belief. Now listen up because this one is vitally important. Nothing will exists in your universe in your reality if you do not believe it is so. Especially things are are more 'intangible' to many people like the force. I will talk about it more later in how our preceptions are created what effects them and all the layers. But that is another post. You will never accomplish anything if you believe you can't. You will never feel the force if you don't really believe that it exists.
Meditation - Also very important. This is a key to the rest of your subconsciousness, where the other 90% of your brain which most people will keep untapped lay. It is great for Jedi's of every level. It is the doorway to your spiritual consciousness. Belief will show you the door, meditation will help you walk through it.
Those are the first 2 the most important in order to open yourself up. Once you are well on your way to awareness, openness, awake to the world. Everything changes. Then come the next 2 keys to open up more along your path of a the Jedi: Awareness and Observation.
Awareness It is hard to be open, to be connected to the force and not be aware of everything that is going on. Why it is going on and everything that comes with seeing things the way they really are. The way things work, how and why. It is pretty easily explained once you are open, but remember to meditate and keep yourself aware at all times.
Also with everything comes wisdom, knowledge, and understanding naturally.
Along with awareness you will natural observe. This is the best way to learn, to understand things the way they work and why. Is naturally by observing nature of all kind. Nature of people, the way they work, the way everything works. So take some time to just think about things. They show themselves how they work very blatantly many times, most people just aren't aware enough to realize it.
The next two once you have learned much of what you need to through observation and this is an ongoing one. You should seek out Wisdom . No one knows everything that there is. Nobody. There is much information out there in books, in others what they have learned what they know what they themselves have come to realize. With that vast amount of knowledge out there in many religions, in many forms of areas, in everything. We have little excuse to not learn from what people have already come to learn themselves. Knowledge can always be expanded, we must always keep our minds open. It is although vitally important you seek out and learn what you really think, what you learn from observing before letting someone else tell you how to think. This is why this is further down the path.
Humility Perhaps that could come before seeking out wisdom of others. If we are so sure that we know absolutely everything we will not be too inclined to listen to any one else's point of view. As I said there is a vast amount of knowledge, and wisdom already discovered in the universe looked at and analyzed by almost every angle. There is no reason not to seek it out. That's not saying you have to agree with it, or even believe it. Yet you will more then likely get something out of it. If you just quiet yourself, put aside your arrogance and listen.
The very last key on my list currently (as I said it is in progress) as for the keys to developing your jedi power is Patients . Sometimes your power will go away. Sometimes you don't need it at that time, perhaps you don't understand why. But when you are needed and can use it properly the force will guide you there is no denial in that. There are many things you must come to learn even if you already realize it, is through time, experience. Yes the force is knowledge, it is wisdom but there are many things you may know but need to fully understand.
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