Figure1a shows the time point in which we start out on in this planet. All destinys (endings) are there in reach and avaliable to us. (The arrow on the bottom of all of them shows how time always progesses forward and that you cannot go back and change something once it has passed.) It spans out as life progress's the near infiante choices we have.
It is harder and harder to change from one end to the other as time progresses, more choices are available every moment as seen in figure
Choices happen all the time to move from one line of destiny to the nextof course the oppertunitys don't always take you directly to any timeline in which you wish to be in. But you get the idea. The charts here are very complex and much more 3-d then I can put on paper.
The time line here shows a life lived. The choices made, leading to diffrent paths. The paths as I said do not actually go back to cross another (well they can but not as directly as it seems in that chart. It is 3-D and it can cross a path similarly leading twords the same destiny. As in Figure 1a.. The purple in Figure 1c represents the choices in life. The Grey area, is the past, that of which you can do nothing about, that is already set. The gold represents the future, the possibilitys that you can change. When it all comes down to it the thin white area the present, the current choices.
I made this graph to show how I think life is, and how it ends up to where. I have had the theory in the works for a while, always being annoyed when somone would say "if it is to be". Because its not, its all your choice, its all chocies thats what makes it life. For example, many people say if it is my time its my time. Not always, so if a bus is headed for you, will you not take the steps to move out of the way before it runs you over, just because you think its your enevitable destiny. Speaking of which if you belive a destiny is enevitable it usually is. Now, the reason in the chart why some of the potential future is gray is because it is no longer based on choices of the past avaliable as a potential future. So therefore its as grey, and unchangable as the past.
Many people do not live in the present as Jedi's should. Not to forget the past but to learn from it to see how it gets to where you are what effect it has to know how to effect the present into the near future/future that you want it to be. I always talk about the false circled path when talking about past present and future. I posted on this board, but since I brought the topic back up I'll post it at the end of this post.
Also, what made me think of this, was that many jedi potential or otherwise belive that they can with the power of there mind, just direct where there life should be. Last night I found a lot of meditational and eastern philosophy books on ebay. I wanted to read them as well as add more stock to the library. But, ebay being ebay you had to bid, aginst other people as well. I woke up this morning, thinking, as I do alot. Many thoughts come during those times of subcontious to contiousness and vice versa (waking up falling asleep) Anyways so I was thinking about the books, and decided to check to see if I won them. Now, I could just sit back and think to myself.. oh well... if I am suppose to have them then I would have won them .. and I wouldn't have to go out of my way or worry about them right? Wrong, being a jedi you shoud be even more aware of the possibilitys as well as directing the timeline to being what you want it to be. Create your fate. The ability to see this time line, to know the choices to where they lead and when the oppertunity is upon us is one of what makes us a Jedi and the ability to change it. Back to the story it so happens I woke up 12 minuets before it eneded.. well got up 12 minuets before it ended and I rebid to win the books. Do not live a passive life where the effects of the universe control you. We are here for a reason we are given a chance, go ahead and take it.
Figure 1d represents the major choices in our life to bring us to any enevitable eventuality. Now, even though we have the oppertunity to make many choices almost every second of our life. There are some choices that are bigger then others, ones that make a bigger change into where you will end up. It isn't always about where you end up though, but the time inbetween and the changes you make during that time. In the chart there are 5 specified "major choices" specifed with the red X's and as you can see the choices you make especially the ones that have a major effect on the stream narrow down your choices that you will get later. So on and so fourth, which is why any major (or any other choice) has to exsist within the spectrum of the possiblitys brought fourth by the choice you have made.
As I said, part of being a jedi is seeing this time line, these possibiltys eventualitys as well as what happens the way it does to make things the way you want them to be. Complatentcy in choices will be a life wasted. The future is what you make it.
"Your focus determines your reality" Qui-Gon Jinn
False Cirlced Path
Sadily this is a path that many walk blindy day after day. You know what gets me about alot of people? Is that they arn't as blind as they 'play' to be.
For a very long time I assumed they were blind, and that if I could simply tell that what was going to happen to warn them of the enevitablity of destruction that they could listen and get off that path. Sadily I have found that that is not the case. Too many a times have I sat by and watched friends make mistake after mistake live out there mistakes and I had forwarned them before it was going to happen. Yet no one listens...Its hard to feel pity for those who knew of the comming pain and done nothing to prevent it. It pains me greatly to sit idely by only able to say well I hate to say it, but I told you so. Why, why do these people do what they do? because it is easier or 'seems' better for them at the time.
This leads me to the False Circled Path
As I stated before the false circled path is a path that many walk down day after day. I learned of this path as I was stuck, wondering in circles. (I went the wrong way to a lake in the citys and ended up in one of those giant circle residential areas with nothing but my skateboard. It was a very hot day and a very tiring pointless journey but without which I wouldn't have put this together.) Walking around in circles, going nowhere, that is what they do.
They see the end, they know that whatever path they are on will lead them to eventual pain, desolation, isolation, destruction, whatever. This may be a relationship, a job, a habit, it can be many things. The point is they see it, the ending, the pain. As they are walking, why do they walk? Because it is easier or better for them at the time. Where will it get them? Nowhere.
The saddest part about the false circled path is not that it is a great waste of time, energy, and life itself, but that when the eventual bomb drops. When everything that was foreseen to happen happens... what do they do?? Where do they go? Right back on, the same damned path again, and again, and again, and again. Circling until death. Getting, absolutly nowhere.
If you see yourself on this path on a path that you know will lead to an eventual downfall, destruction, pain. Get off this path now, as you see it. As you see others to do.
Life is in some ways 3 parts:
Many people live in all 3 of them, some people are stuck within the past some look to nothing but the future. This, this moment in time you reading these words, for me typing these words to you is life, this exact moment that is never the same.
Life is like a sand hourglass at the top the future things that have not yet come to pass. In the bottom the past that which has already past. The present is the middle small point where the sand sifts down drips from the future to the past. The past into a memory, the memory eventually faded.
You cannot make a diffrence in any time but the present for that is life.
Along with the 3 parallel times in life there come with 3 ways to deal with them. Or well one way split into 3.
Learn Look Live
Learn- from the past So that the same mistakes you have made before do not happen again. The old saying is true if we do not learn, history will repeat itself (this in the false circled path) .
Live- in the present because as I said this is what life is this fleeting passing moment. We cannot make a diffrence in any other time but the present.
Look- Twords the future, so that you can know where you want to go and how to go there so you do not look at the past, which is now the present and regreat what you have done
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